Managed IT Services For Long Island   Contact Us: (516) 320-6138



Cyber attacks takes place every 39 seconds. These attacks often cause financial or reputational damage, harm IT infrastructure, and result in regulatory fines. To protect valuable assets and data from attackers, organizations and individuals need strong cybersecurity measures. Identify and eliminate Cybersecurity risk to protect and scale your business.

Cybersecurity is a top priority for businesses of all sizes.

RisMont’s Cybersecurity Services are designed to assess and mitigate organizations’ security risk and ease the burden of protecting their most critical assets, including data availability and privacy. Our experts have extensive experience in the field, and are highly qualified to help you identify, control, and mitigate cyber threats before they threaten your business. We can provide guidance on how best to protect against ransomware attacks or other malicious software that may be present on your network.

What can YOU do to protect your business?

Get the most out of your technology.

  • Protect Your Personal Data.

  • Protect Your Business Reputation.

  • Enhance Productivity.

  • Better Data Management.

Managed Security

Are you prepared for a cyber attack?

RisMont can help you secure your IT infrastructure. Secure your data with expert guidance from our cybersecurity specialists. We’ll identify existing security flaws, device and network vulnerabilities, and malicious network activity in order to protect your organization and its customers.
Contact RisMont today to learn how we can help (516) 320-6138.

Benefits of Cybersecurity

Top cyber safety tips.