Managed IT Services For Long Island   Contact Us: (516) 320-6138

Managed IT Security

Managed Security

Managed security services are an ideal solution for businesses with limited IT security or knowledge. We allow businesses to maintain a full-time team focused on their operations and leave the security management, maintenance, and updates for us. This can be especially beneficial in businesses that do not have the budget or time to support a dedicated on-site IT security team.

Protect your infrastructure with a wide range of managed security services.

You can count on us to manage your security so you can focus on your business. We'll proactively monitor, tune and update your technologies to make sure they're secure, reducing the risk of intrusions and data loss. We provide customized security services that meet the needs of your organizations internal business requirements and policies.

What can YOU do to protect your business?

Get the most out of your technology.

  • Protect user access.

  • Secure your applications.

  • Get phone, device and app security.

  • Get top Infrastructure and network security.

Managed Security

Are your business communications secure?

Keeping your communications secure is critical to protecting your business data. Communications tools for voice calls, chat, SMS, video meetings and file sharing all require specific security approaches to ensure your business doesn’t fall victim to a cyberattack. As cyberattacks continue to grow more frequent and sophisticated, the time is now to ensure your organization is doing everything it can to always protect your sensitive business, customer, and employee data.
Contact RisMont today to learn how we can help (516) 320-6138.

Is your business data really safe in the cloud?

Phishing Attacks - keep your users safe.